Friday, October 2, 2009

shocking soda

if someone who has been perceived by the world as a better person than you, finally getting caught doing something really bad.

would you:
a. tell the world "see??!! I told you! i'm not the bad one, this person is!"
b. be there for the person, because the person is scared and lonely right now
c. do nothing?

feel free to comment


Andra said...

I would tell the world "see?! I told you! i'm not the bad one, this person is!"

Linguistic Geek said...

tergantung orangnya kali yah, enggak bisa dipukul rata. kalo nyebelin bgt, gw jawab a. kalo temen baik sendiri gw jawab b. kalo bukan siapa2, gw jawab c. :D

breaking the spell of the typical