Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Between Socrates, Marriage, and Kids

Lunch time, Jl. Sunda, my assistant editor (BS), reporter (WH), editorial secretary (SP), some interns (EL), and me (MZ).

One of us (SP) has just gotten married, so the others curiously asked, "How is it? Is marriage life that much different?"
And all she said was, "mm, yeah..I now have someone to go home to, you know"

Which then started our lunch time girl-talk that went pretty much like this :

WH : I don't want to get married. I mean, I want to have kids, but I don't want to have to deal with men in my older years.
BS : What do you mean? So, are you just going to adopt a kid and live alone?
WH : No, I want to have kids from someone I love, but I don't want to deal with all of the emotional conflicts of marriage, especially the cheating and mid-life crisis.
EL : But it's natural for a man to have great sexual desire. And they don't need to be in love to have sex. So he can still love you, though he sleeps with another woman.
BS : Yes, which is why I'm telling my boyfriend that if we get married one day, he can sleep with another woman, as long as he's not emotionally attached to her.

I frowned, thinking 'what kind of ideology is that? letting your husband sleep with another woman as long as he still 'loves' you? how can he love you if he can't even keep his di*k?'

she then continued..

BS : i prefer my husband to love me, but sleeping with another woman, than sleeping with me, but in love with another woman, cause it's 'mind-fucking'.

(Bradley Cooper looking & Scarlett Johansson's thighs in the movie He's Just Not That Into You)

WH : NO WAY, it's still intolerable.
MZ : Yeah, I would never tolerate that, ever in my life. Gosh, that'd be painful. Imagine your husband come home to you one day and tell you 'Sorry honey, I slept with another woman'. Would you be just like 'okay, as long as you don't have feelings for her' ?

BS : well, when I told my boyfriend, he said 'Nah, I wouldn't do that', cause he appreciates the fact that I allow him to do it.

MZ, WH, SP : right....

WH : Things can change...
MZ : yeah, that's why..

*awkward silence. everyone suddenly thought about what they want in life*

EL : well, anywayyyyyys...I still want to have kids

ALL : yeah me too... *sigh*

the chattering continued to the discussions about Kids, Socrates, and different religious beliefs (I know, we sound like some boring media chicks, haha)

Again, today, I learned how different people view crucial things in life from totally different angles.

What about you? Would you tolerate the classic 'boys will be boys' excuse? Or do you believe in a true love with uncompromising commitment and loyalty?


aretha said...

gw tau ttg kalimat "boys will be boys". sejauh ini masih gw tolerir karena bukan SUAMI gw. tapi kalo udah merit, gw siap2 rencong aja pas dia pulang ke rumah.

tapi susah juga sih, kenyataannya, cowo2 yang gw hadepin selama ini bertagline "boys will be boys". gimana dong ??

gw tetep prefer married sih bok. kuncinya, marriedlah bersama orang yang MENCINTAI KAMU. gw percaya bahwa cinta or apalah itu adalah suatu bentukan. kita bisa cinta or benci dalam sekejap karena otak kita juga turut mengaturnya.

kar said...

wtf was that??? u dont want your guy sleeping with another woman and come home to you with fukin aids!! LOL.

New Kids on the Blog said...

Lah klo gitu ngapain married??
repot2 amat bikin resepsi, acara keluarga, beli rumah bareng, punya anak bareng??udah aja kumpul kebo ampe punya anak...rempong aje!

Rachel said...

For me no excuse for a married man to do anything like that :)
I like ur blog deboraaa!

breaking the spell of the typical