Monday, April 20, 2009

You've Got Mail

"I just need you to realise how important your job is and what a tremendous effect it will contribute if you're not careful. so, please be careful and meticulous so it won't happen again in the future, okay? =) "

-BS, assistant managing Editor of A

I just got home from my "side" project meeting (as the editor-in-chief -to be of the official American Express 'Guide to Bali' magazine). I was stuffed with a lot of confusion and doubts when I read this email from Ms. B, the assistant managing editor of A magazine. They happened to find a few 'inaccuracy' on my translations.
Ahh...darn it.. why do I have to make mistakes in my first week of working on my 'dream job'??!
Now I'm getting a little insecure and stressed.
We're talking about a high fashion magazine, I really need to be careful or they'd cut me off. Thousands of girls would want to replace me in 5 minutes.

Oh well, better work and pray harder. FOCUS NOW! WHOOZAH!


Linguistic Geek said...

wow.. scary.. but yeah, as much as I hate it, i have to admit that even tho people out there are saying that it is ok to make mistake, it is not ok for us to make ANY mistake.

geeessh,, such a burden dont you think?

but hey, i can pull it off, why cant you?

mo.zarell.a said...

yeah dude. I'm picking myself up now and trying to do it right again. working in media is so far from easy and 'nyantai' yaaaaaaa tnyataa

breaking the spell of the typical